Best Breed

Home Community Dog Breeding & Breeds Best Breed

This topic contains 736 replies, has 70 voices, and was last updated by  Max 1 month, 4 weeks ago.

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    i think rottweilersare the most loving dog any one can have ;D



    Great Danes RULE! Why do you think they’re call GREAT Danes?! They come in 6 recognized AKC colors, Fawn, Brindle, Black, Blue, Harliquin and Mantle. There is also the color Merle, not recognized by the AKC but beautiful none the less. They have the sweetest disposition (hook up w/a reputable breeder) and can be down right goofy at times. I have been truely fortunate as I have obtained my last 3 Danes from a local shelter. They were all terrific dogs with personalities to match. I like the fact that they’re soooo large and low maintenance. Due to their large size, they are not for everyone. That suits me just fine as I wouldn’t want them to become EXTREMELY popular and possibly be bred by unscrupulous "breeder" to make a fast buck.



    :DThe best breed by far is the Boston Terrier, I have done extensive reasearch, and they are jusst super cute!!!



    ;D Best breed? No question! Bichon Frise. ;D ;D ;D ;D Intelligent, loveable, cuddly, and cute peter Berry



    Hi, I am Suzie and new to the board, wonder if anyone can help us. We are looking to get a dog over the next few months, and wonder what breed (if any) people advise to join a family of four with two cats and a hamster?? We had a GSD before, he was lovely, but hubby doesnt really want such a big dog again. The children are 7 and 18 months. We live in a house, and exercise for the dog will not be a problem… Infact I have been having withdrawal symptoms from my daily run around the park … counting squirrels!! Regards Suzie. Hope this isnt against the rules, but we have a website, recently started that has a lot of pet stuff, (metalware) please take a look



    I adore Chihuahuas. I think they are so cute and lovable. Very loyal too. ๐Ÿ™‚ I love the fact that they are tiny too! ;D hey Ahh28, what kind of chihuahua do you have? ๐Ÿ™‚



    i would say for me it would be Min Pin and Chinese crested (the hairless variety) but have had quit a few breeds growing up and loved all of them…



    I don’t think there is a dog that I don’t love and I have had many many dogs in my life. But I would have to say my very favorite is a pitbull. I know some people don’t like them or are afraid of them. But a lot depends on how they are raised. Mine is spoiled rotten. He sleeps on my bed everynight and he most the time sleeps under the covers. He takes showers. He sits on the couch or in my lap most of the time. And he only weighs about 95 pounds! Biggest baby I ever had. But if I did not know him no I would not go up to him. He would protect me with his life I know.



    greyhounds are the best without doubt i have 2 rescued ex-racers are they are just brill they should change the name to greathound ๐Ÿ˜€



    I know this is late in the game but I would like to put my 2 cents in. My vote goes to Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers. They are wonderful, loveable, intelligent companions. Their intelligence makes them a challenge to train, they are definitely thinking dogs, but the end result is well worth it. They don’t shed but require brushing and grooming. Ours is 4 years old and just a love. He’s great with my older children and very protective and loving with my youngest. I have heard of case were these dogs are a little crazy but I think that has to do with the owners not investing enough time in their upbringing. They are like children in many ways. Time , love and attention make a difference. 8)



    Hi ๐Ÿ™‚ My favorite is defanitly Golden Retrievers!!! They are sweet, kind , gentle, and very smart. They are no doubt the nicest dogs ever!!! ๐Ÿ™‚



    I love my Husky, best dog around. ;D



    German shepherds are the best! I used to own a german shepherd and he was soo friendly with everybody. He could talk and one time my dad was making him stay in the room with him and i felt bad he just had to sit there beside the bed so i sat beside him and started to crawl toward the door and he crawled behind me. I was only about 6 when we first got him, but i remember him so well.



    Defiently Dachshunds!! Cute, small and independant. What more could you ask for in a dog?



    How on earth are their only two posts about BOXERS on here? Good lord people! Have you no souls? Just kidding (about the souls anyways)! Boxers are the most beautiful dogs both inside and out! They are friendly toward everyone, rarely aggressive toward other animals and so easily trained. They are great lap dogs….at least they think they are. I have a two year old brindle male and he means the world to me! I cant imagine my life without Rueger, he is absolutely wonderful! I hope I have persuaded you all. ๐Ÿ˜‰ And if you dont want to spend lots of money on your dog, but still want a wonderful friend, go to your local animals shelter, they are just strays, they need homes, they are sweet and they should not be discriminated against just because they ended up in the shelter!! Take my word for it!! :-*

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