How do i get my parents to get a horse?

Home Community Horses & Riding How do i get my parents to get a horse?

This topic contains 20 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Daniellle 17 years ago.

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    This is my advice. My parents wouldn’t let me get a dog due to the whole responsibilty thing. So now I have budgies and there soooo cute. Anyway bout the horse – it’s easy to say that your going to take care of it when you really want it. To show you can though and to see for yourself you could maybe see if there are any people with horses that would be willing to maybe let you take care of them for a little money. That includes all the dirty stuff. But I don’t know mcuh about horses.
    Anyway thats what i have to say.



    Don’t give up, they’ll probably give in!!!



    im 12 and just got my own horse, i have always loved horses and have been riding since i was 5, my mom was saying the exact same thing! but it took a REALY long time to convince her that i was responsable enough. lol. it is my dream come true to get a horse and when i finly did, i got the toataly wrong one!! she was a ex-race horse and was so high strung! i fell of and broke my ancle and had to hobble around on cruches for a while…so if you can show them you have enough responsability, then i suggest lease one first! (and make sure the one you lease is not a race horse!)



    I got my horse just last January and I broke him myself. And I’m only twelve years old. But my mom says I’m very mature so I just believe her her. Anyway, I would suggest leasing a horse for a while and if you decide if it really is too much responsibility, don’t get a horse.



    Every kid who wants any type of animal should use this forum for questions, really. I’m 21, and far more mature then most kids my age, I have a 7 lb dog who is more responsibility then I thought. You’re 12, kids at 12 want one thing, and then get bored, and it’s not fair to the animal. If you think you want one, visit a stable, or talk to your parents about finding programs to get you involved with horses. Not only is it a big responsibility for a 12 year old, it’s also insanely expensive.



    i would help out at ur local stables and they will allow yu to ride for free so yu get all the bonus’s of a horse without having to pay for 1

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