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Pet Memorial for Stinky the Mixed Breed (Other) Cat | Pet Loss Resources |
Pet Memorials

Stinky the Mixed Breed (Other) Cat

Published on Jan 1st, 2008

By Lynn Peck (Location Unknown)

Stinky was a very special member of our family. He came to us in September of 1995 after a friend purchased him and could not care for him. He was only 6 months old, and quickly purred his way into our hearts. Stinky was our baby before we had children, and when the children were born he just loved them. He would sleep beside our babies, always placing at least one paw on them, as if he was guarding them. He was the most beautiful and loving cat we have ever owned, and we loved him every day.

In October of 2000, shortly after moving into our new home, Stinky became sick with a Urinary Tract Infection. This was nothing new, his infections would act up once or twice a year, and proper medication from our veterinarian would always alleviate the problem. This time was different, the medication was not helping and he was becoming more and more ill. After several trips to the vet, being hooked up to IV's to get fluid and medicine into his system, it looked as if he would be ok. However, just as he seemed to be improving a little, he passed away unexpectedly.

We were inconsolable. Our veterinarian explained that his kidneys just gave out, and we had no way of knowing that this was happening. We were all so devastated, and to this day I have tears in my eyes when I talk about our precious Stinky. He is missed every day, and his picture is always right here on my desk by the computer. We will never have another Shaded Golden Persian, because Stinky was irreplaceable. I couldn't bear to have another cat that looked just like him, because it would not be the same. We thought we would have Stinky forever.

Since we lost Stinky, we have opened our home to a Black Smoke Persian, and 2 rescue kitties that were in need of homes. We rescued Urston in November of 2000 from our local SPCA, and we found Jack on and adopted him on the 2nd anniversary of Stinky's death. They have helped heal our hearts, but there will always be a piece missing.

Stinky, we love you and we miss you!