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Pet Memorial for Susie the Mixed Breed Dog | Pet Loss Resources |
Pet Memorials

Susie the Mixed Breed Dog

Published on Jan 1st, 2008

By Pamela McGraw (Alabama)

On October 4, 2001 Susie stopped eating, tucked her tale and showed very little enthusiasm. I took her to the vet and he said she had a mass in her bowl area and medication would help her get well. Twelve days later she finished her medication and seemed herself. Two days after that she stopped eating again and I took her to the vet again. He said it was the same problem and gave her more of the medicine. That evening, October 18, I got a call from my mom and she said Susie did not look to well. She said that Susie was under a table the whole day and refused to come out. I got there as quick as I could. When I approached her she came out and than laid in my lap. I noticed her tail was wet. I thought she may of had an accident. I began to clean her off when I realized it was actually blood. She was hemorrhaging. I took her to the hospital and they said we could put her under for surgery but because of her age she may not come out. I didn't want her to suffer so I had to make the hardest decision of my life. I had to let her go.

She will always be my best friend. Susie came into my life when I was ten years old. My friend was moving and could not take her with. I brought her home to my parents and at first they said no. Though it wasn't soon after she kissed my mom that they said it was o.k. Susie was my first pet, my first best friend. Susie was only 9 months old when she became part of our family. She would sleep on my bed every night and follow me around as I would get ready for school. Her favorite toy was a yellow bat. Susie also loved to wrestle. When my sisters and I would practice music lessons on our flutes, Susie would always join us and sing along. It would make us cry every time!!

My mom baby-sits for a living and whenever a baby would cry, Susie would lay next to him or her until they stopped. We would always take her for walks at the park next to us. She loved going for walks. Susie knows all my secrets. She would let me lay on her when I would cry and I it would seem that she would cry with me sometimes.

We have a corner house with a link fence and Susie loved to race kids on bikes all the time. She would also play tag. Susie has done almost everything with my family and I. She went camping with us and even came with me when I used to sneak out at night. Shhhh!! That's a secret!!!

Unfortunately I moved away from home when I was 17 and I could not take Susie with me. When I would come back to see her, she seemed upset at me for the first few times. She would ignore me and turn her head away. Though she finally understood and made every visit of mine full of memories. When I would visit she would run straight to her leash to go for a walk.

There are so many more memories I could share but it would be a novel. In the near future I will submit more pictures and tell more stories. The good and bad times.

Since her death I have had many dreams of her. Even ones where she could talk. I love her so much and I will never forget her. It is getting really hard for me to write anymore. So God Bless to all of you who have lost your best friends and loved ones!!!

I love you Susie!!!!