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Pet Memorial for Taz the Other Purebred Cat | Pet Loss Resources |
Pet Memorials

Taz the Other Purebred Cat

Published on Jan 1st, 2008

By Terrie Mohr (Location Unknown)

When I saw him for the first time I knew he was coming home with me. He was at the local shelter ready for adoption. He was a very smart Siamese kitten nobody wanted. Beautiful I might say too. He was only 7 weeks old. At the tender age of 4 months I found out he had FeLV virus. Because he was in for a checkup and to get neutered. He also had a foul smell coming from his mouth. So he was put on medicines. He did get better. Didn't get sick until 6 weeks prior to his passing. He caught a cold and couldn't shake it off. He developed a growth above his left eye and forehead. Took him into the Vets and he needed to have Exploratory surgery to find out what the was causing this. I got a call from the Vet about this I totally lost it emotionally had to have my hubby converse with the Vet about this during surgery. The surgery was stopped for moments to tell us what was found. It was attached to his left eye and eating away the skull. So they took out as much as possible, but it didn't look good. So the surgery was over. Taz wasn't waking up from it after 3 hours still no movements of his eyes or body. So I had to make the choice and let him go to the Rainbow Bridge. He was only 2 years old he died on 01/16/02. This was not suppose to happen.

My memories of Taz will be with me always. He has a special place in my heart. He loved to fetch his little cushion balls and bring them back to me. He loved to give kisses too. Miss him sleeping with me. When it was time for his medicines he got up on the counter to take them. I miss his talking to me very smart like he understood everything, him and I talk about. Him greeting me when I came home from somewhere. His favorite spot was sitting on my lap with my legs crossed. He loved everyone even his Vets and everyone loved him as well. When the staff heard about what happened they shed tears for him as well. He was their favorite. Taz had away of getting people that didn't care much for cats to like him too. He was amazing cat for sure. I also taught him to jump from the floor up to my shoulders without using his claws, and loved being up there to take little walks around the house. It was his place to do that.

That was the saddest day in my life. I found the Felv group some time earlier in the summer of 2001. Belinda from bemikitties had a PetLoss Site and I went to my first Candle Light Ceremony for "Taz". Till this day and on I go to the sites because it helps the pain some. I know I'll never get over it. These Vets were awesome they did what they could for him. The Vet who did the surgery called him "The Tazman". Once again I thank all the staff who had tried to help and save Taz. God had other business for him to tend to so his time here was temporary with me. The day will come when we will be together again.