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Pet Memorial for Tinker the Other Purebred Dog | Pet Loss Resources |
Pet Memorials

Tinker the Other Purebred Dog

Published on Jan 1st, 2008

By Jeanie (Location Unknown)

There are no words to express my deep love for you. You are the best friend anyone could ever be blessed with. From the moment I first spotted you in the pet store - I know, I know, I said I'd never buy a puppy from a pet store because to be caged breaks their spirit. But you had just arrived that day and after getting to know you I know that NOTHING could ever have broken your wonderful little spirit. We brought you home that Christmas Eve in '87 and you provided us with much love and affection for the remaining 15yrs. I only Pray we did the same for you. This is a picture of you and Tipper at the beach. That's you on the right - my blond little boy. What a beautiful specimen of you breed you were. Such a straight nose, those beautiful eyes that changed to green when you were excited or angry, your ears always upright and you pranced when you walked - you OWNED that street! August 2nd was such a horrible day. I believe in my mind I made the right decision. Now if my h
eart would only believe it too. I would gladly give years off the end of my life - whenever that may be - to add to your life so that you could be with me always. I chose to you cremated - my only regret is that I was unable to hold you to your last moment. My heart couldn't handle that but I know Dr. Laurie held you and you were at peace. We chose to have your ashes cast to the winds so that your Spirit in death could be as your Spirit in life - FREE. We never tried to conform you - how could we improve on Perfect? My heart feels so hollow - I can't get to the journal or the photo album with captions to your hundreds of pictures, but I will for I never want to forget even one little thing you did, either good or bad, and yes you had your bad moments but we loved for them too. Wherever God places your soul - may ours join when that time comes. You are and will forever be in my heart. I will always miss you.