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Pet Memorial for Tinkerbell the American Shorthair Cat | Pet Loss Resources |
Pet Memorials

Tinkerbell the American Shorthair Cat

Published on Jan 1st, 2008

By Susan Browning (West Virginia)

I will never forget my sweet Tinkerbell she died on Christmas day and I'll always believe it was from the pet food. The food that is suppose to be safe for our pets. The greed of people and the almighty big business is taking so many lives of our pets and theres nothing anybody can do about it. Tinkerbell started losing weight about 3 weeks before her death. I had fed her a few cans of Special Kitty and Nutriplan brands I don't normally buy. She was getting thinner and thinner but I contributed it to old age...then she started drinking A LOT of water, even drinking it from the commode something she had never done. Then on Christmas day she went into a bedroom she never goes in and just laid down and died. My cat Pookie was standing over her with his head down looking at her. I thought she died from old age. At the time there wasn't a recall it wasn't until mid March they announced it. Now looking back I will always believe it was the food, no way to prove it but she had all the symptoms of kidney failure.....Rest in Peace Sweetie... I love you.